CS107: Intro to Mobile Apps Development

  • Coding & Tech (Ages 7 - 18)
  • Hardware/Software/Books Required?

    You will need a PC or Mac computer as well as a headphone with a mic.

Course Description

Learn how to create games for mobile devices!

Stencyl is a drag-and-drop, block-based game development platform that can be used to publish iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5 & Flash games, without writing any code! This makes the tool perfect for first-time programmers, or anyone who wants to learn more about how computer games actually work! 

In this course, students will use essential coding concepts, like conditionals and variables, to create fun and engaging games. They will learn how to think logically, without getting bogged down by the technicalities of non-visual programming languages. This course also explores foundational principles of iterative game development, 2D graphics, and even artificial intelligence! 

The first class session will cover software installation, configuration, and introductions.

Project Concepts Taught
Stencyl interface and scene editor
Defining configurable actor behaviors
Two-directional motion
Conditional statements (if-otherwise)
Power-Up Collection
2D collision boxes
Handling collision events
Local and global variables
Drawing text and numbers to the screen
Artificially Intelligent Enemy
Principles of AI
XY coordinate systems for 2D graphics
Boolean (true/false) variables
Shooting Back!
Animation principles
Spawning objects
Randomization of enemy attacks


You will need a PC or Mac computer as well as a headphone with a mic.

Please contact us through email or phone, one of our counselors will assist you.

There is only ONE free make up lesson available. Please coordinate with instructors on scheduling.

Our instructor team includes students and graduates of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering from Accredited Institutions.