CS104V: Minecraft Coding with Lua

Course Description

***As part of this course, you are required to purchase your own minecraft account (we will provide instructions once you enroll), which will be ~$30 one time fee. This will be your own life-time Minecraft account.***

In this course, students will learn how to use the Lua programming language, alongside Minecraft components from the ComputerCraft package, to instruct robots (known as “turtles”) and virtual computers to perform tasks in the game. The projects that students complete in this course include a password protected door and a robot that builds an entire house! Since each program will drive concrete changes in the Minecraft world, students will clearly see the purpose of each new concept.

In this course, students explore fundamental programming concepts, then apply them to Minecraft. For students who may not be ready to write complex code, or who are more interested in designing Minecraft Redstone contraptions, please check out our Intro to Game Design with Minecraft course (CS103). Please note that there is no need to take CS103 before your child can take CS104.

The first class session will cover software installation, configuration, and introductions.

Course Outcomes

The basics of Minecraft
Programming fundamentals like:
Loops (allow repetitive tasks to be coded efficiently)~Variables (keep track of important data)~Conditionals (control which instructions are performed, based on true/false statements)~Logical operators (build complex true/false statements)~Functions (define a configurable and reusable set of instructions)
Managing the input and output of a program
Problem solving and debugging skills

Course Outline

1. Introduction to ComputerCraft

1 Installation (3 mins) WATCH IT NOW
2 Mod Installation (4 mins) WATCH IT NOW
3 Placing the Computer (2 mins)
4 Creating New Programs (1 mins)
5 Printing (3 mins)
6 Variables (3 mins)
7 More on Variables (2 mins)
8 Getting Input (3 mins)
9 Sentence (String) Addition (4 mins)
10 Addition Calculator (5 mins)
11 Division and Multiplication (3 mins)
12 Remainders (2 mins)
13 Data Project (3 mins)

2. Loops and digBox

1 Moving with the Turtle (3 mins)
2 If statements (6 mins)
3 == operator (2 mins)
4 Greater Than and Less Than (5 mins)
5 Digging (7 mins)
6 Pulling Together Multiple Lines (3 mins)
7 The While Loop (6 mins)
8 Repetitive Digging (10 mins)
9 Placing Torches on the Ground (6 mins)

3. digStairs

1 Introduction (4 mins)
2 Automating One Level (8 mins)
3 Torches and If Statement Review (4 mins)
4 Complete Automation (14 mins)

4. Password Protected Door

1 Producing Our Own Redstone (4 mins)
2 If-Else Statements (2 mins)
3 Pulling It All Together (6 mins)
4 Making a Basic Trap (6 mins)

5. Lumberjack

1 Functions (5 mins)
2 Chopping Up (8 mins)
3 NOT and While (3 mins)
4 Getting Input (2 mins)
5 Automated Searching (7 mins)

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  • Coding & Tech (Ages 7 - 18)
  • Prerequisite?

    No prior knowledge necessary. No need to take Intro to Minecraft game design.
  • Course Length

    2 hours 39 minutes