CS103V: Game Design with Minecraft

Course Description

****This course assumes students know very little about Minecraft or has limited expereince with it. If your child has been playing Minecraft a lot and is 10+ year old, CS104 Minecraft Coding with Lua will be a better course to take. As part of this course, you are required to purchase your own minecraft account (we will provide instructions once you enroll), which will be ~$30 one time fee. This will be your own life-time Minecraft account.****

Minecraft is a sandbox video game created by Swedish game developer Markus Persson and later developed by Mojang. The game allows players to build with a variety of different blocks in a 3D procedurally generated world, requiring creativity and critical thinking.

Students will learn how to think logically by creating interactive devices and logic gates through the use of Minecraft Redstone, a set of blocks and principles allowing for circuit design in the game. The Redstone projects completed in this course include a pressure activated door, an automatic TNT cannon, a pitfall trap. On completion of the course, students will possess the skills and principles needed to develop their own Redstone contraptions!

This course focuses on the game design component of Minecraft and no coding. If you are more interested in learning how to code in Minecraft, please check out our Minecraft Coding with Lua course. There is no need to take this course before your child can take Minecraft Coding with Lua.

The first class session will cover software installation, configuration, and introductions.

Course Outcomes

The basics of Minecraft
How to create complex, mechanized contraptions with Minecraft Redstone
Managing engineering and design considerations
Controlling the flow of power with:
logic gates~comparisons~inversion
Game design principles
Problem solving and debugging skills

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Redstone

1 Installation (3 mins) WATCH IT NOW
2 Introduction (7 mins) WATCH IT NOW

2. Piston Door

1 Piston Basics (6 mins)
2 Inverters (4 mins)
3 Applications (4 mins)

3. TNT Cannon

1 Basics (1 mins)
2 Structure (1 mins)
3 Circuit (4 mins)

4. Staircase

1 Redstone Repeaters (4 mins)
2 Structure (2 mins)
3 Circuit (6 mins)

5. Pitfall Trap

1 Structure (4 mins)
2 Placing the Trap (1 mins)
3 Circuit Design (5 mins)

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  • Coding & Tech (Ages 7 - 18)
  • Prerequisite?

    No prerequisite
  • Course Length

    0 hour 52 minutes