CS105: Intro to Web Design with HTML and CSS

  • Coding & Tech (Ages 7 - 18)
  • Hardware/Software/Books Required?

    You will need a PC or Mac computer as well as a headphone with a mic. Tablets not allowed.

Course Description

Learn to build and style your very own website!

This course introduces students to the concepts and skills necessary to design their own websites! Students will learn how to write code in HTML, a tag-based markup language used to build the structure of a webpage, and CSS, a style sheet language used for describing the visual presentation of webpage elements. The first week, students will learn how to create and configure HTML elements like images, tables, and forms. They will also learn the basics of the web, as well as how to format and organize parts of a webpage. 

The second half of the course, students will explore CSS essentials like selectors, numerical representations of color, and the “box model” of layout. They will learn how to style each of the HTML elements they’ve added to their webpages, as well as how to use HTML and CSS together to create advanced features like dropdown menus.

The first class session will cover software installation, configuration, and introductions.

Project Concepts Taught
About Me: HTML
Basics of the web
Structure of the HTML document
Foundational HTML elements (<img>, <p>, etc.)
Text formatting
Organizing inline and block elements (<span> and <div>)
Job Application Form
The HTML form element
Creating appropriate input and selection elements
Effectively organizing and labeling form elements
About Me: CSS
Style sheet syntax (selectors, declarations, and properties)
Linking HTML and CSS (inline, embedded, and external styling)
Absolute and relative units of measurement
RGB and HEX color codes
The CSS Box Model (padding, borders, and margins)
Navigation Bar
Styling links
Advanced layout properties (display, position, float, and clear)
Using pseudo-classes to style interactive links
Photography Portfolio
Using import statements
HTML wrappers and containers
Animating elements with the transition property


You will need a PC or Mac computer with webcam, high speed internet, as well as a headphone with a mic.

Please contact us through email at admin@coding4youth.org, one of our counselors will assist you.

There is only ONE free make up lesson available. Please coordinate with instructors on scheduling.

Our instructor team includes students and graduates of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering from Accredited Institutions.